At the moment, things are quite busy and I get a lot of requests for custom designs, sometimes up to 5 or 6 a day...! :)
Really nice ofcourse, but unfortunately my time is limited and I really want to focus on each design, so I have to pick and choose the designs that I really enjoy and fit my style.
My apology for all people I have to dissapoint...
A few days ago I received an e-mail from a customer living in the UK. He was looking for a tattoo for his lower leg, mainly the calf, but partially wrapping around his leg.
It had to be something similar to this mixed Maori / Samoan inspired tattoo design I did a few weeks ago.
These pieces are my favourites, especially in a symmetrical design, because it just looks really great and clean.
First I started with a template from the measurements of the leg and roughly sketch out the lines of the tatoo:

The two big koru curles will wrap around the sides of the calf and the vertical row of spearheads will be centered on the back of the leg. The Samoan pattern will wrap around to the front of the leg, just below the knee.
After a few hours of adding the detailed patterns, scanning and retouching, I added the shading and gradients in Photoshop.
The final design looks like this:

Kind regards, Mark Storm