Here's the third polynesian design I've been working on in the last few days.
It has a nice symmetry and contains a lizard in the center and a mask at the top.
Here's a sketch in an early stage:

Then I draw other main lines like the diagonal ones and horizontal guide lines.
I really like the repetitive patterns and typical "polynesian" shapes and the eyes at the top of the design.
It took me quite some time to get the image right, most of the time I draw, erase, redraw etc.
So before I get to the final stage of tracing the image, I have nearly spent half my time tweaking and adjusting the image :)
Polynesian shoulder tattoo 3

The original size of this tattoo is 23,5 x 21 cm (9 x 8 inches), but it can be scaled to adjust it to your arm/shoulder.
Price for this design is 35,70 euro (47 US dollar)
If you wish to order it, simply press the "Buy now" button and you will be redirected to the Paypal site for the payment.
Once I receive your payment, I'll send you the high resolution design and a linedrawing for your tattoo artist.
Any questions? Just let me know.
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Mark Storm