A few months ago since my last post, really busy with renovating part of my house. It's finished now, so now I have more time to let you know what I'm doing and I will try to post a few projects each week.
A month ago I received an e-mail from a customer who wanted me to decorate her spinning wheel with some nice maori inspired patterns, a really nice thing to do next to designing tattoos.
It's done in the modern wood "carving" technique; the drawing will be put on it by a laser, burning it into the wood.
Here's the original spinning wheel.
I created 3 different designs in the same kirituhi style, one for the large wheel, one for the pedals and another one for the arm of the spinning wheel.
Here are the sketches and some of the final designs that I did:

I really enjoy doing these kind of projects, so if you want me to decorate something with my designs, just let me know!

Any questions? Just let me know.
Kind regards, Mark
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